Captain Doug DiCenzo Camp Fund FAQs

What is the Cpt. Douglas DiCenzo Camp Fund?

The Camp Fund is non-profit organization dedicatd to sharing Doug’s love of adventure and the outdoors with the area’s young people. Teachers, coaches and school counselors from the New Hampshire area identify students who they feel would benefit from attending camp, but may not be able to attend without financial assistance. Then working with the person making the recommendation, the child’s parents and the camp, an appropriate assistance program is put in place to provide the camp opportunities. Our goal is to meet the needs of as many of the Plymouth area’s young people as possible.

How can one apply to receive support from the Fund?

If you are interested in applying to receive support from the Fund, simply send a letter of inquiry to the Camp Fund. Please be sure to include your family's contact information, the name of the camp your child is interested in attending, the cost of the camp, and the amount you would like to receive. A representative from the Camp Fund will follow-up with you by phone and/or e-mail to discuss next steps.

Mailing Address:
27 Deacon Willey Rd

Campton, NH 03223

What kind of camps are eligible?

There is no limitation on the type of camp that an eligible child attends. Past campers have received support to attend sports camps, writing camps, science camps, adventure camps and more.

Is there an age limit for applications?

To date, the Camp Fund has supported campers through high school. 

What information needs to be included with an application?

Please include your family's name and contact information, the name of the camp(s) your child is interested in attending, the cost associated with the camp(s), and the amount you are seeking to receive from the Fund.

What are the deadlines and other dates associated w/the Fund?

At this time, scholarships and program support are awarded on a rolling basis, there is no deadline for inquiries. That being said, if you are interested in receiving support for a summer camp, it is a good idea to send in your inquiry 3-6 weeks before fees are due at the camp.

Does the Fund have any active relationships with camps?

The Fund does not have any active relationships with camps at this time. If you are a camp director and would like more information about how we could work together, please contact us.

How can I donate to the Douglas DiCenzo Camp Fund?

There are a variety of ways you can support the Fund. Please visit our Donate page for more information about donating to the Fund.

Are donations tax deductible?

Yes. Our federal tax id number is 26-0627543.

Where can I find out more information about the golf tournament fundraiser?

The golf tournament is held in late June at the Owl's Nest Golf Course in beautiful Campton, NH. Please visit our Golf Tournament page for more information.

How can I contact someone about the Douglas DiCenzo Camp Fund?

Visit our Contact Us page for phone, email and address information.